Have moss removed from your greenhouse by Poot Reiniging!

After a number of years moss starts to grow on and around the rods of some greenhouses. Removing this annoying dirt is a time-consuming job if done by hand.
We at Poot Reiniging have developed machines that automatically spray away the dirt under high pressure.
The machine automatically stops at each rod and sprays it clean under high pressure (+- 100 bar) from ridge to gutter. Despite this high pressure so close to the rods, the machine sprays virtually nothing inside.
We at Poot Reiniging have developed machines that automatically spray away the dirt under high pressure.
The machine automatically stops at each rod and sprays it clean under high pressure (+- 100 bar) from ridge to gutter. Despite this high pressure so close to the rods, the machine sprays virtually nothing inside.
Once at the back, on the way back to the dock, the machine also sprays the underside of the vents and the gutter edge under high pressure for an optimal result.
After the ‘moss sprayer’ as we call it, has done its job, it will be necessary to wash behind it at all times because the dredge is spread all over the deck. All moss can therefore be removed in one working process, first with the moss sprayer and directly after that with the deck washer for a super clean result.